Monday, April 25, 2011

Reading to Baby

Parents often look at me with surprise when I open up a Sesame Street book and start reading to the newborn in my lap.  Isn't she too young for books?  How can she even understand the content or see the pages?  Well, her vision may still be developing, but looking at brightly colored characters and shapes certainly helps that along!  And while she may not understand the story, she does tune into my vocal inflections and learn about rhythm and pace as we read.  And guess what?  Reading is also fun and helps you bond with your baby!  And for all of those parents wanting the smartest baby on the block....good news.  Reading at a young age helps neural connections to form and enhances your baby's vocabulary and language abilities by age 2.  Want to boost your baby's brain development even more?  Begin reading to him during pregnancy, when he is still a fetus.  Yes, he hears.  Yes, he memorizes.  Yes, he will know the stories you read to him when he is born and it will amaze you to see how he shows recognition!  If you have any doubts about the benefits of reading to prenates and newborns, here are the results a few months later....

Nathan and Trinity have moms who read to them during pregnancy and throughout infancy.  Great job! 

What kind of books should you choose?  Go for ones that are short, have brightly colored pictures, and just a few words on each page.  It's nice if the story has a rhythm or pattern to it, as it captures baby's attention. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Swaddle Me

Swaddling....seems pretty basic, right?  Practice makes perfect!  You will get the hang of it in no time.  Here are some step by steps:

Why is swaddling important?
Swaddling is VERY important in helping a newborn to feel safe and secure.  They are fresh out of a cozy womb, and thrown into a big airy world.  Being wrapped like a burrito (I often refer to them as burrito babies) is comforting and reassuring to a newbie.  Having their arms and legs held close to their body helps calm the nervous system and helps them self-organize.  Ever notice how a newborn starts flailing their arms and legs when getting worked up into a tizzy?  This only makes them feel more out of sorts.  Swaddling is often one of the first steps to bringing a baby into a calmer state.

Can't I just lay my baby down with a blanket over her?
NO.  Loose blankets in a baby's crib are a safety hazard and can put him at risk for SIDS.  There should be nothing in your baby's crib but a tightly swaddled baby.  Period.  Your baby may resist being swaddled at first, but will quickly calm and stay asleep more comfortably and for longer than she would if unswaddled.

What kind of swaddle blankets are best?
The bigger, the better.  I like the large muslin blankets, because they are great for all seasons.  Two of my faves are:
Aden and Anais
Under the Nile

Happy Bundling!

Ask a question

And I will try to help you figure it out! Need advice about how to relieve your baby's gas pain? Want to know the best kind of swaddle blanket? How much milk should a 4 week old be taking?

Here's where you can ask!


I'm excited to be able to have a space to talk exclusively about newborns!  My mom actually gave me the idea to start a blog, and I've let it marinate for awhile.  There's an ocean of information out there, and so much advice (asked for or not) given to new parents.  My hope is that for new moms and dads reading this, they will find it to be a great resource based on the most up-to-date recommendations in newborn care. Grandparents are wonderful, but how many times do I have to explain to a mom why it's not good to add Karo syrup or cereal to a 3 week old's bottle?  Some things that we used to do are not so much recommended anymore....and for good reason!  There are thousands of baby products floating around as well, and I'm often asked what's really necessary or beneficial for a new baby, as well as what kind of everything to buy.  I'm happy to share what I've found works best, what you might want on your shopping list, and also welcome advice and suggestions from others!  I'll also be posting a lot about sensitive caregiving and practicing attunement to baby, as this is really the foundation for raising a secure, happy, well-adjusted child.  It all starts from birth....or does it?  Actually, we know now that the prenatal period is just as influential in determining our baby's disposition and who he or she grows up to we can talk about that here too. Am looking forward to discussions and feedback from others, so it can be an interactive blog.  Do I know everything there is to know about newborns?  Hardly!  They are always teaching me, and my knowledge keeps's a fun journey.